Case Study – Patient Check In For Multilocation

By | August 12, 2024
KIOSK patient check in hero

Case Study: Successful Patient Check-In Kiosk Deployment in Multilocation Healthcare System

Nice case study by KIOSK Information Systems.  For more information email [email protected] or  Contact KIOSK to discuss a patient check-in kiosk deployment at your organization.

Here are the key points:

  • Initial Solution: The healthcare system initially used tablets for patient check-in but faced issues with WiFi reliability and usability
  • Kiosk Deployment: They switched to patient check-in kiosks, starting with a pilot of six and expanding to 135 kiosks.
  • Benefits: Kiosks improved internet reliability, allowed easy ID and insurance card scanning, and enabled copayments during check-in.
  • Success: The deployment reduced patient wait times, increased POS collections, and improved data accuracy, leading to plans for further expansion.
Editor Note: we always cringed a bit going to a clinic and seeing tablets on the counter.  Much easier to clean and sanitize a touchscreen every morning than a handheld tablet and typically with indentations for better grip.

 Contact KIOSK to discuss a patient check-in kiosk deployment at your organization.

Author: Site Manager

Many years in the kiosk industry and in the healthcare sector in particular. EPIC being the primary EHR worked with and patient check-in kiosks were the big element.