Henry Ford digital health screening kiosks

By | February 20, 2022
Henry Ford Health System digital health screening kiosks

Editors Note — since original article we received confirmation from Henry Ford that indeed these are NOT retinal temperature detectors but in fact Infrared.

From Detroit Free Press July 2020 — This article appeared on measures at Henry Ford hospital.  We’re guessing they meant IR temperature scanning though they also mention retinal scans.  It’s a little surprising to see IR solution in a hospital like this so we have sent an inquiry into the hospital program administrator as well as the author of the article to get more information about the specific solution.

The article includes a photo of the unit but it doesn’t delineate the actual solution.


Its Innovation Institute worked with NuVision Technology to begin last week a pilot program testing 10 digital health screening kiosks, according to Lisa Prasad, vice president and chief innovation officer for the Henry Ford Health System, and Thomas Eisenmann, director of patient access, technology and experience.

The no-touch screening monitors can take a person’s temperature using retina scans IR and allow people to answer health questions about whether they have COVID-19 symptoms.

The idea is to cut down on the number of medical staff the hospital system needs to do health screenings at the entrances of its buildings so they can return to caring for sick patients.

“In this time of social distancing, and avoiding large crowds, we said, ‘How can we create a screening process that is contact-less?’ ” Riley said, demonstrating how it works.

Author: Site Manager

Many years in the kiosk industry and in the healthcare sector in particular. EPIC being the primary EHR worked with and patient check-in kiosks were the big element.