Kaiser Permanente COVID Playbook For Returning to Work

By | February 20, 2022
KP Playbook

Kaiser Permanente Playbook Guidelines for Return to Work

May 2020 Kaiser Permanente has released 98 page playbook on how they recommend getting back to work with your employees and guests.  You can visit their link here.

Keeping your workforce safe being the key point.

This playbook is meant to offer useful tools for you and your
leadership teams to make your workplaces as safe as possible
and support your employees in the best way possible. It includes:

  • A framework outlining the various dimensions of health to consider
    as your employees start returning to work in this “next normal”
    post–COVID-19 era
  • Guidance, recommendations, and curated tools and resources on
    how to safely restart work, according to the dimensions of health
    outlined in the framework.
  • Information on our clinical services and resources available to your
    employees who are Kaiser Permanente members.
  • We’ll continue to evolve this content as guidance and circumstances
    change. For additional questions, please contact your Kaiser
    Permanente account manager.
